
Stevie Wonder goes to the Blaydon Races


Stevie Wonder goes to the Blaydon Races


It’s a ubiquitous trick in a lot of pop music, to shift up a semitone every verse, possibly most memorably used in Stevie Wonder’s hit  ‘I just called to say I love you’.  This is the Blaydon Races tune exaggeratedly given the same manoeuvre, with the John Iveson middle section thrown in as well (see ‘Deck the Halls’).

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It’s a ubiquitous trick in a lot of pop music, to shift up a semitone every verse, possibly most memorably used in Stevie Wonder’s hit  ‘I just called to say I love you’.  This is the Blaydon Races tune exaggeratedly given the same manoeuvre, with the John Iveson middle section thrown in as well (see ‘Deck the Halls’).

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